What are the advantages of factory-installing windows?

1. Windows are installed in a controlled environment (temperature, humidity, wind, etc..), which equates to a higher quality of workmanship.

2. Quality Control can be performed from the panel’s outside and inside face at ground level, which allows for a more thorough inspection.

3. Extensive performance testing (air, water, etc.) has been performed on numerous BPDL past projects. BPDL has delivered over 10,000 panels with factory installed windows.

4. No barricades needed as panel openings are filled with windows. Less tradespersons on site. Less congestion. Safer Site.

5. With panels arriving to site with windows already installed, the building is closed faster and therefore protected from snow, rain, wind and other elements.

6. Windows are protected by being housed in a concrete panel. Less chances of breakage/damage of windows on site.

7. Panels are delivered with a fire-proof tarp covering the glass, which keeps the windows protected from any site welding or other debris.

Can BPDL prepare samples?

Yes of course. Reach out to your local representative and they will help you get the sampling process started.

Is precast concrete a green building material?

Precast concrete is durable and 100% recyclable, which makes for a sustainable building material. At BPDL we use recycled reinforcing steel and we recycle processed water.

How can precast concrete contribute to a LEED certification?

Precast Concrete can definitely contribute to LEED Certification. Please reach out to your local representative to find out how.

What is a design-assist and what are the advantages?

A Design-Assist means that you'll have access to a BPDL Project Manager during the Design Phase of the project. Our PM will make sure that the Panel Layout is optimized, preliminary engineering, site logistics are addressed, factory installed windows are coordinated, and proactively help coordinate other project specific topics.

What are the benefits of designing with precast concrete?

1. Customization

2. Time Savings

3. Uniformity of the final product

4. High Quality products

5. Low Long Term Maintenance

What tools exist that help design a bridge using precast concrete beams?

The structural Design Manual is a good tool for bridge design using NEBT beams. The CSA-S6 Standard and the PCI Bridge design manual MNL-133 complete the information. The PCI and CPCI also publish several guides on ABC-accelerated bridge construction.

Has BPDL ever taken on a modular project?

Yes. BPDL supplied nearly 200 prefabricated modules including all interior finishing including doors, windows and protective plates for the Sorel Detention Center built in 2014.

What are BPDL's latest structural projects and what elements were provided?

We supplied over 10,000 deck slabs and nearly 400 piers during the construction of the Samuel-de Champlain Bridge. For Phase 1 of the REM (Réseau Express Métropolitain), we supplied more than 4,500 segments for the construction of the elevated tracks in the West Island of Montreal and in the Deux Montagnes direction, and also supplied several prestressed beams (NEBT and Box Girders) as well as deck slabs.


In a "Total Precast" construction, all the elements composing the structure and the building envelope are made of precast concrete. The components are assembled on site using bolted, welded or special connection systems that reproduce the "cast-in-place" principle.

What type of structural elements does BPDL fabricate?

We manufacture prestressed elements such as :


- Double Tee

- Box girders

- Slabs

- Beams

- Columns

We also offer non-prestressed elements such as :

- Superslab road slabs

- Bridge decks

- Walls

- Abutments, etc.

It is important to mention that the range of products offered is in constant evolution. We are specialized in all non-standard projects; it is therefore possible for us to adapt to the needs of our customers.

Why should I choose BPDL over other precasters?

We've completed some of the most challenging projects in major cities like New York, Boston, Montreal and Ottawa so we have a lot of expertise and experience to share.

When should BPDL get involved in a project?

When the Design Team is established. BPDL can start providing value at the Schematic Design Stage.

What are the advantages of precast concrete?

1. Wide variety of shapes, textures and finishes.

2. Prefabrication (ex : factory installed windows).

3. Prefabrication in a controlled environment.

4. Less trades on site.

5. Safer jobsites.

6. Shorter Construction Schedules.

7. Minimise finance cost resulting from reduced build time.

8. Earlier revenue resulting from shorter construction schedules.

9. Fire resistance.

10. Durable material.

11. On site, precast reduces air pollution, noise and debris.

What areas does BPDL service?

Canada : Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland.

USA : New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Brazil : São Paulo, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro & Minas Gerais.

For light products, such as GFRC, BPDL can deliver worldwide.

What types of precast concrete elements does BPDL fabricate?

Architectural Precast Concrete : Non-Insulated Panels, Insulated Panels, Slenderwall® System panels, GFRC, UHPC, Stone Veneered Panels, Brick Veneered Panels, and many more.

Structural Elements : NEBT Beams, NEXT Beams, Total Precast Buildings, Parking Garages, BEBO Arches, Segmental Bridge Elements, Box Girders, SuperSlabs, Bleachers, and many more.

Landscaping : Pathways, Slabs, Sculptures, Urban Furniture, Decorative Walls, Planters, Arches, Ballustrades, Walkways, Stairs, and many other landscaping elements.

Restoration & Masonry : Cast Stone, Trim Pieces, Masonry Elements such as sills and lintels, and many more.

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